Commitment to your Health and Safety

Covid Vaccines and Skin Treatments

Following advice from our Medical Team, please ensure you are adhering to the wait times before and after COVID Vaccines for the below treatments.

Laser Treatments:
48 hours after

Dermal Filler Injectables:
2 weeks before and after vaccines and boosters

Health and Safety

Our clinics will ensure;
– Regular disinfecting of surfaces
– Single use disposables will be used
– Supply of hand sanitiser

Clients need to do the following:
– Stay home if unwell
– Attend your appointment alone (please contact clinic if this is not possible)
– Adhere to social distancing where possible

We appreciate your understanding as we do our utmost to keep our clinics clean, and our clients and staff happy and healthy.
Should you have any questions about your upcoming appointments please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our priority is keeping you safe, and we look forward to welcoming you to your favourite Australian Skin Clinics location soon.

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